Mastering Your MacBook: Essential Setup Guide for DevelopersMastering Your MacBook: Essential Setup Guide for Developers
Updated at Oct 11, 2024

1. Setting Up Xcode

Download Xcode from the App Store, and be sure to open the application and accept the terms and conditions.

Install the Xcode command-line tools on your macOS system. These tools include various utilities, compilers, and libraries that are necessary for software development tasks

xcode-select --install

Note: If you’re unfamiliar with using the terminal, kindly visit the “Supercharge Your macOS Terminal: Setting Up Zsh with Powerlevel10k and Warp“.

2. (Optional) Customizing Mouse Speed – If you’re utilizing a Magic Mouse, we highly recommend this step

Inspect the mouse speed using the terminal.

defaults read -g

Adjust the mouse speed within the terminal. The available range is between 1 and 10. I would suggest a value of 7.

defaults write -g 7

3. Homebrew

Homebrew is a powerful package manager designed specifically for macOS. It allows you to effortlessly install, update, and manage various software packages, libraries, and tools from the command line.

Visit the official Homebrew website to learn more and get started: Homebrew Official Site

Install Homebrew using the Terminal

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

Configure zsh

export PATH="/opt/homebrew/bin:$PATH" >> ~/.zshrc

Command to Update All Packages and Tools

brew update && brew upgrade && brew upgrade --cask --greedy

Recommended Tools and Softwares

Below are the tools and software I personally use. If you have any other software you’d like to install, please refer to One key recommendation is to install everything using Homebrew, as it aids in managing and automatically updating applications.


brew install go
brew install nvm
brew install doctl
brew install derailed/k9s/k9s
brew install helm
brew install skaffold
brew install velero
brew install bat
brew install watch
brew install composer


brew install --cask google-chrome
brew install --cask stats
brew install --cask phpstorm
brew install --cask webstorm
brew install --cask intellij-idea
brew install --cask goland
brew install --cask pycharm
brew install --cask clion
brew install --cask datagrip
brew install --cask zoom
brew install --cask visual-studio-code
brew install --cask telegram
brew install --cask postman
brew install --cask ticktick
brew install --cask notion
brew install --cask appcleaner
brew install --cask raycast
brew install --cask spotify
brew install --cask obsidian
brew install --cask wechat
brew install --cask microsoft-remote-desktop
brew install --cask chatgpt
brew install --cask cursor
brew install --cask warp
brew install --cask wakatime
brew install --cask shottr
brew install --cask linear-linear
brew install --cask protonvpn
brew install --cask 1password
brew install --cask whatsapp
brew install --cask docker

4. Git


brew update && brew install git

Setup username and email

Replace YOUR_USERNAME with your GitHub username and replace YOUR_EMAIL with your GitHub email address.

git config --global "YOUR_USERNAME"
git config --global "YOUR_EMAIL"

Set up SSH key and commit signature

  1. Generating a new SSH key and adding it to the ssh-agent
  2. Setup commit signature verification
  3. Setup Github GPG key on Macbook